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Govt. Subsidies
  1. State Government Subsidy

  • Chief Minister Employment Generation Programme (CMEGP) for manufacturing units investment upto Rs. 50,00 Lakhs.

  • CM Food Subsidy for food processing units. 

  • Package Scheme of Incentives(PSI) 2019 for all manufacturing units in Maharashtra.

2. Central Government Subsidy

  • Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (CMEGP) for projects upto Rs. 25,00 Lakhs

  • Subsidies from NABARD Warehousing Scheme, Poultry Farming etc.

  • Credit Linked Capital Subsidy for Technology Upgradation.

  • Venture Capital Scheme.

  • Start-up India and Stand Up India.

  • Interest Subvention Scheme.

  • Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme for textile units. 

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